What does it mean to be root wise?

What does it mean to be root wise?

What does it mean to be root wise?
It means to seek answers to our most perplexing problems (in our case problems pertaining to Covid hair lossfrom sources that have long remedied what ails, to pattern solutions after them, and in the words of naturalist and philosopher, Viktor Schauberger, "comprehend and copy nature."
The oldest fossilized record of a gilled mushroom dates back 14 to 21 million years ago.
Mycelium networks, the root system that supports them, have inhabited the earth 715 million years, having survived five extinction events.
Talk about sustainability!
The mushrooms we see above ground are referred to as fruiting bodies. The mycelium network we don’t see, nourishes from beneath.
Mycelium spreads like a liquid made of fibers, it surrounds plant root systems and streams nutrients throughout. Think of mycelium as Nature’s neural network or wood wide web. Together mushrooms and mycelium work cooperatively to optimize ecological health.
When applied to humans, the bioactive compounds (polysaccharides and beta glucans) extracted from mushrooms have shown to enhance immunity, support glycemic balance and regrow hair.
It seems the longer something has been around, the longer it’s likely to persist in the future - we think it’s wise to pattern our Covid hair loss treatment after these wise-rooted mushrooms.
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